Farm to table beef – direct to the consumer.
Serenity Farm is a small farm in Crawford, Alabama where we raise a few choice steers yearly to sell to folks wanting good wholesome, non antibiotic, and steroid free beef.
Depending on the need, sometimes we raise a few pigs for butchering as well.
To provide entertainment we also generally have a couple draft horses around for carriage rides and such. Big horses have equally big personalities, and they gernerally keep life interesting around here.
Serenity Farm also offers a complete line of Ag Services to property owners, cattle ranchers, and equine faciities.
Ag services
Ag services provided by Serenity Farm to others.
Beef cut charts
Information on the standard cuts of beef.
Farm to Table Beef
For information about buying our direct to consumer beef.
Freezer size information
General information regarding standard beef cuts during processing.
Call Us Today (334) 520-2295
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