(334) 520-2295 Please leave a message farm@thinkserenity.com

Fresh beef direct to you from the farm.

It’s hard to find all natural beef in today’s mass produced beef market, the “supermarket” beef has turned into an industrialized product that is full of hormone residues, antibiotics, and has just become unnatural. In order to feed a large nation and the demand required from it, the beef industry has had to get larger and raise beef in the confined feeding operations we have all heard about, because of this, it is almost impossible to find an all natural beef product at your grocer.

This is where we come in. Serenity Farm provides you a natural beef product without the hormones and the assortment of drugs that are put into todays beef cattle in large feedlots.

Although we can’t raise enough to feed millions, it is our goal here at Serenity Farm in Crawford Alabama, to raise a select amount of natural beef to feed those individuals and families that want a beef product that is high quality, has no growth hormones, and no unwanted chemicals. Beef that is all natural.  Our cattle are raised in a comfortable environment, unlike the mass feedlots, and there well being is our top priority.

Our all natural beef is allowed to graze on pasture and they are fed high quality hay and are grain finished to get the best marbling and flavor possible.

Our all natural beef is sold by the “hanging weight”. If the average steer has a hoof weight (live animal weight) of 1000 lbs then the hanging weight (or carcass weight) is generally about 60% of the hoof weight. This hanging weight is what your cost are based upon.  The per pound price is finished beef ready to be put in your freezer.

How To Buy


Here at Serenity Farm we sell our beef in two different amounts. We offer half beef and whole beef options. A 1/2 beef is as it sounds, half of the animal. One complete side of the animal.  The beef is cut up and packaged by our USDA processor, ready for your freezer.

We generally do not keep beef on hand that is already processed because of the cost of storage. If you are interested in purchasing then we recomend you contact us and if we are currently growing a steer that has not been spoken for then you can buy in and that animal will be yours. If we do not have a unsold animal then with a deposit, we will bring in a steer, and start the finishing process just for you. This will be your animal. We generally feed a steer for 10 to 12 months to finish out, depending on age and weight when we start.

Since we are not a grocery store there will be a wait time for you animal to grow. We ask that new inexpericenced customers please think about this and think ahead. By deciding you want to start eating natural beef and buying in at the start of finishing, you will be able to save and spread out the purchase price over time.  This also give you time to make accomodations to store your farm fresh beef. For freezer and storage information please view our Freezer Space page, click (HERE)

Our other size of purchase is a “Whole Beef”. This is the complete animal, both sides. Packaged the same.

All of our meat is vacumn sealed packed, except for the hamburger, which is packed in the standard 1 lb tubes.

You all natural beef from Serenity Farm is sold by the “hanging weight”.

If the average steer has a hoof weight (live animal weight) of 1000 lbs then the hanging weight (or carcass weight) is generally about 60% of the hoof weight. This hanging weight is what your cost are based upon. The per pound price is finished beef ready to be put in your freezer.

Generally the yield or “take home” from the beef carcass is aound 60% of the hanging weight. Weight is lost from the evaporation of water from aging as well as the loss of bone and fat during processing.


An expample would be as follows, (all animals are different and weights vary) Example is for an animal that is weighing 1000 lbs at time of delievery to the butcher.

Hoof weight (live animal) 1000 lbs / Hanging weight (carcas weight after initial processing) 600 lbs / Take home weight of packaged beef (final processing) 360 lbs.

If you were buying this animal then your cost for the whole beef would be (current pricing, pricing may vary).

600 lb hanging weight @ $5.50 per lb = $3,300.00

Half of the animal would be:

300 lb (half of the whole hanging weight) @ $5.50 per lb = $1,650.00


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Beef cut charts

Information on the standard cuts of beef.

Freezer information

General information regarding standard beef cuts during processing.

Ag services

Ag services provided by Serenity Farm to others.