AG Services
Serenity Farm offers a complete line of Ag Services for property owners, such as agricultural properties, horse properties, cattle properties, and hunting properties. We also welcome small acreage properties.
A few of our ag services
Tillage and ground prep
Fence row and property line maintenance
Pasture clearing
Pasture seeding
Pasture fertilizing
Liquid lime – sales and application
Pasture reclamation
Light clearing and grubbing
Forestry Mulching
Finish grading
Food Plots
Riding Arena footing construction
Fence Row Maintenance
Do you have fence rows and property lines that have become overgrown?
Serenity Farm, Ag Services, will come in and mechanically remove trees and vegetation from your fence rows and property lines. To help prevent further encroachment, herbice applications can be made to the fence rows.
Fence row clearing can also be provided for new fence installations.
Call Us Today (334) 520-2295
Pastures and Hayfields
Do you have pastures or hayfields that have been let go and become overgrown with brambles and briers?
Serenity Farm can renovate those pasture and hayfields for you. Most overgrown fields can be mowed with heavy duty rotary mowers and then put on a schedule of mowing throughout the year and then they can be reclaimed naturally. Frequent mowing will help control problem weeds and let the grass you desire come through and flourish.
Perhaps the amount of grass in your stand is just overall to thin. If needed, Serenity Farm can come in and till your old pastures and hayfields and then seed them with our Brillion Sure Stand seeder.
Have an area that you want to turn into a pasture or hayfield? We can come to your property and do all of the clearing needed and then provide a full tillige service to turn old woods and scrub land into a fine pasture or hayfield area. After creating the field and the necessary tillage, we will then come in and seed the area with our seeder.
Weed control and fertilization
Serenity Farm, AG Services, can provide you with a complete weed control and fertilization program for your property. We will collect soil for soil testing and then provide you with a soil engineer’s recommendations for a proper fertilization program for your property.
We can provide a full gps mapping of fertilizer and liquid lime application.
Serenity Farm also offers a complete herbicide program for your pastures and hayfields as well.
Our goal is to make your land produce at it’s best potential.
We welcome customers with smaller acreage properties. Give us a call. (334) 520-2295 Please be sure to leave a message.
Dove fields / food plots
Serenity Farm offers food plots services from clearing and creation to ongoing planting and maintenance.
Dove fields are normally tilled and seeded in the months of April thru June. If you have several fields we recommend offsetting the planting time to help alleviate potential problems with rain fall.
We generally start planting our deer plots in late September through November.
Since weather plays a large role in planting times, we ask that you reach out to us ahead of time to make sure your fields can be scheduled.
Forestry Mulching – Light Clearing
Serenity Farm’s Ag Service, can provide you with the light clearing and grubbing you may need for property improvements such as roadways, trails, new pastures and hayfields, etc. We can also provide forestry mulching to help clean up areas from thick briars and overgrowth that impeded on your use of your land.
Farm to Table Beef
For information about buying our direct to consumer beef.
Beef cut charts
Information on the standard cuts of beef.
Freezer size information
General information regarding standard beef cuts during processing.